Commit to yourself

Alchemical Sessions With Lizzie Are For Those That Are Dedicated To Their Path And Want To Deepen And Unravel Further.

If you feel the call to take your life beyond what you have known and you feel you are ready to go to new depths, to unlimited possibilities and you are committed to deep change then these sessions are for you


Initial Session with Lizzie

Alchemical Dive

Initial session investment: £300.
Eighty minutes of deep dive together.

Pay for your session with Lizzie

Please note I have limited spots available and am often booked up 3 months ahead.


On going session with Lizzie

Alchemical Deepenings

75 minutes session investment: £250.
You must have an initial session with me first.

Pay for your session with Lizzie

Please note I have limited spots available and am often booked up 3 months ahead.

I have a allocated spaces for those on a limited budget. Please contact me to add yourself to the waiting list for this

Please note I have a 48-hour cancellation policy

If you feel the call to take your life beyond what you have known and you feel you are ready to go to new depths, to unlimited possibilities and you are committed to deep change then these sessions are for your.

What a session entails part one

What a session entails part two

lizzie bryher


“Time with Lizzie is one of life’s rare opportunities to be lovingly guided to rediscover the inner essence of your true self – to reclaim a spirit and freedom that is this life. Thank you for sharing your gift with me Lizzie – simply life changing.”

Heather Karns USA

Contact Lizzie Bryher