Geoff’s videos on fear and facing ones demons are so inspiring. I think he has such a beautiful way with words. Facing the fear, saying hello to it…it’s a tough call. I’ve been running for a large part of my life…accept when I am not. I practised fear and terror I practised anger and attack. I even got into fights when I felt really threatened! After years of that I eased off on the aggression and anger and discovered vulnerability and shame instead! That seemed worse than the anger, there seemed to be nothing to protect me now. I eventually was greeted with panic attacks. Perhaps my siren to go towards instead of away from myself.
I have found ways now, through Faster EFT and focussing to face my fears. ‘What we resist persists.’ Running from fear just gave it even more power and kept me small and in victim mode; helpless and hopeless. Faster EFT and focussing enabled me to face ‘it’, to see how I had created a demon that didn’t even exist! I discovered that most of it, or should I say all of it, was my own rejection of who I am.
I thought it was everyone else. I thought they could hurt me and I had to run from them, or attack them to keep me safe. It was only through using Faster EFT that I have discovered that I was actually running from my myself; from the sensations in my body that I did not want to feel, that uncomfortable feeling I thought others gave me.
Sometimes I think the fear is a real thing, an entity that can get me, something out there that will consume me. I fool myself again and I want to run. It seems so easy to react this way, it is such a familiar path. But it is only when I shine the light on that very area I want to run from that I can set myself free. It is like a spell that has been broken. I notice the sensation I label as fear/terror, notice where I feel that in my body and follow it, go towards it, get really curious, really look at it, welcoming it as best I can with kindness, breathing deeply and tapping as I do so. I watch the sensation and give it full permission to do what it wants, reminding myself I am not it, not all of it at least, and watch it transform, move, get stronger, get weaker and eventually transform and disappear.
Faster EFT and focusing has helped me to make friends with those feelings, sensations and areas that seemed terrifying. It has helped me see that it is not a weakness to feel fearful or be vulnerable. And as I make peace with those feelings I make peace with who I am and my heart expands and I feel more whole again. I remember a good friend Marina Bajszar saying “can you love every part of you?” I had heard similar quotes in the past and had no idea what that meant; or should I say how to go about doing that. Now I think I know. Now I have a tool to do that. To make peace with all those areas I have rejected; the fear the vulnerability, the shame. And when I do so I make peace with those feelings and I make peace with who I am.
For more info on Geoff Thompson go to: